Wednesday, September 26, 2007


20 And this reviving Herb whose tender Green

Fledges the River-Lip on which we lean--

Ah, lean upon it lightly! for who knows

From what once lovely Lip it springs unseen!

After analyzing this poem I realized it could have several different underlying meanings. I decided, though, that in my opinion it is referring to independence. The Green River Lip is supposed to mean the other people in our life whom we lean on for help. I think the poem is saying that we can never fully trust anyone or anything because it could all fall out from under you. You should never lean on someone for help without being aware that they could turn on you. People can change, and someone who you once thought was kind and helpful might end up being something completely different than your first impressions.

My attempt at Rubaiyat-style poetry:

Keep my eyes up, for the finish I yearn
My lungs and my legs, oh how they burn.
So much pain, this I cannot escape
Four hundred meters, just one more turn.

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