For my paper, I chose to write about the treatment of women throughout the pieces of literature we have read thus far. I chose to focus more specifically on the works of Othello, Canterbury Tales, and one of the 1001 Nights stories, The Husband and the Parrot.
When writing my paper, I wasn't as focused on the mistreatment of women as I was on their treatment overall. Some stories, such as the Canterbury Tales, had examples of both the mistreatment and the positive treatment of women. I thought it was definitely interesting to examine the different ways women were viewed throughout these classic works.
While I was able to find a few examples of women being viewed in a positive light, for the most part, the women in these works were definitely treated very poorly. After comparing the different works we read for class, and looked at the common characteristics they shared, I went on to discuss the implications that these works may have had on modern times. Middle Eastern women are typically not treated with the utmost respect nowadays, and I am without a doubt that this is a direct effect of the way women were viewed in the past.
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