So after reading "Maryam" in the Koran, I have to admit I am still completely lost. I really was confused by the whole story. I felt like some of it would have been at least a little bit comprehensible if I had some sort of religious background (ANY religious background), but I am virtually clueless when it comes to religion. I grew up Catholic, and by Catholic, I mean that we went to church... hardly ever. I was baptized and Confirmed, but I'm pretty sure my parents only had my sisters and I do that so that my Grandmother didn't disown us. I can honestly say that while I have read some of the bible, I do not know any of the stories. However, as I read "Maryam", I had a few light bulbs go on telling me that the information was familiar.
I know that the Koran and the Bible are not the same, but I did pick up on some similarities. The whole story of Maryam ("Mary"?) was obviously familiar to me. The "barren" wife and the older husband were given a child, even when they thought they would never have one.
Many people are of the belief that Christians and Muslims share nothing in common, when quiet the opposite is actually true. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all stem from the same core beliefs. I always knew that, but I still found myself slightly surprised when I was reading "Maryam". Another light bulb went on to signal to me the connection between Christianity and Islam when I read the section about not believing in Allah to be the biggest sin.
SHAKIR: And surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him; this is the right path.
SHAKIR: But parties from among them disagreed with each other, so woe to those who disbelieve, because of presence on a great Judgment Day!
SHAKIR: How clearly shall they hear and how clearly shall they see on the day when they come to Us; but the unjust this day are in manifest error.
SHAKIR: And warn them of the day of intense regret, when the matter shall have been decided; and they are (now) in negligence and they do not believe.
1 comment:
You are not as uninformed as you think -- yes Maryam is Mary...
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