Tuesday, October 23, 2007

AIPAC video

I read most of the Israel Lobby and followed it up by watching the Youtube.com videos that Allen had posted on his syllabus. When I was watching the "Israel Lobby" videos, I was distinctly struck by the second one: "The Israel Lobby: AIPAC" 2-5. I think that Earl Hilliard had some very significant points to make, many of which I agreed with.

I didn't really know who he was or what he had to do with any of this, so I consulted Allen's favorite source of information: Wikipedia. I wasn't particularly impressed with this information provided, so I Googled him. This led me to an very intriguing article.

This man had chosen NOT to support the United States giving money to Israel because of the fact that they are a relatively rich country on their own and they are using that money solely to turn around and build weapons and to kill Palestinians, amongst others. Unfortunately, Hilliard chose the wrong time to be opposing the Israelis and supporting the Arabs: this happened right after September 11th. In the Youtube.com interview, Hilliard himself admits that the ads against him that were run on CNN were great pieces of work. He knew the timing was perfect, and that the American public was very uneducated about the situation in the Middle East. "Most Americans didn't know the difference between Hussein and Kadafia, or Kadafia and bin Laden."

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I completely agree with this statement. Americans (and I fully admit that I am one of them) are extremely poorly educated about the goings-on around the world, so much so that all it takes is a couple of falsely advertised commercials to convince us that a politician supports al-Qaeda. We are often too uneducated to know the difference and to lazy to care, so we are therefore led to believe something that is not entirely true. Yes, Hilliard was opposed to giving money to Israel, but he did not support the Taliban. Someone can be opposed to what the government is doing while still supporting our country as a whole. This is the difference that many Americans are unable to grasp, but this is exactly what makes the difference between us sounding ignorant versus well-informed.

1 comment:

Peter Reilly said...

Sure, American people are ignorant about the situation in Palestine and the Middle East. This is because of lack of reporting of facts and the misinformation from the media, e.g., giving only the Israeli perspective.
Our duty is to spread the truth. Show the video "The Iron Wall" to all your friends. Send it or show it to Church groups, youth groups, school teachers etc. Send copies to your elected representatives, challenging then to address the issues shown, if they really believe in justice, respecting humanitarian law and international law.
Do not under estimate the power of networking. Watch the video on the link and send this link below to 10 people and ask them to send to 10 people etc.